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# k3d
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Nope, there's only k3x and vscode-k3d as far as I know
I installed it. It is running. It appeared in system tray as icon (Fedora Linux). I created a cluster: "k3s-cluster-432" How can I see it? 🙂
Where can I see it? In browser?
What do you want to see? I guess you're searching for a UI to see Kubernetes resources? 🤔 You may want to look into Lensapp, Okteto or just the Kubernetes dashboard
k3x system tray icon refer to a dashboard. But I can't find it. :(
It's been a while since I last used k3x... I'm not sure tbh. Yeah, that would be the dashboard deployed into the cluster. I guess Lens or Okteto would be easier to use for a start though.
I try the Kubernetes Dashboard: I need create a user with token: • Creating a Service Account • Creating a ClusterRoleBinding • ~# kubectl -n kubernetes-dashboard create token admin-user • ~# kubectl proxy • URL like this: http://localhost:8001/api/v1/namespaces/kubernetes-dashboard/services/https:kubernetes-dashboard:/proxy/ • So, I can login with token. Right?
The ~/.kube/config like this: apiVersion: v1 clusters: - cluster: certificate-authority-data: LS0............. server: name: k3d-mycluster contexts: - context: cluster: k3d-mycluster user: admin@k3d-mycluster name: k3d-mycluster current-context: k3d-mycluster kind: Config preferences: {} users: - name: admin@k3d-mycluster user: client-certificate-data: LS0..... client-key-data: LS0t............ # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
I need create "dashboard-adminuser.yaml":
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apiVersion: v1
kind: ServiceAccount
  # name: admin-user
  name: admin@k3d-mycluster 
  namespace: kubernetes-dashboard
and apply it: ~# kubectl apply -f dashboard-adminuser.yaml
How can I use the ClusterRoleBindig yaml file?
Copy code
apiVersion: <|>
kind: ClusterRoleBinding
  # name: admin-user
  name: admin@k3d-mycluster 
  apiGroup: <|>
  kind: ClusterRole
  name: cluster-admin
- kind: ServiceAccount
  # name: admin-user
  name: admin@k3d-mycluster 
  namespace: kubernetes-dashboard
Is it again? kubectl apply -f clusterrolebinding.yaml
and last(?): ~# kubectl -n kubernetes-dashboard create token admin-user (what will generate a token, that I can use at login.)
Ah, do you expect Rancher to be pre-installed in the k3d cluster? Because that's not the case 🤔
"k3d cluster create mycluster" okay.
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kubectl apply -f <>
it is okay too.
The dashboard is running, but I need login token.
Ah that's kubectl proxy, sorry
So yeah, you create the user account and the clusterrolebinding and then generate the token, just as you wrote above
Where are you struggling?
I need to replace this line?
Copy code
# name: admin-user
  name: admin@k3d-mycluster
everything else is okay?
I do not replaced any lines in two yaml files. It is working, I can login with token. 🙂 thanks!