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# longhorn-storage
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Other clusters with recaps are rebuilding too often too
There is excessive CPU involved
Hi. We had some issues with Longhorn not being able to complete the process of rebuilding replicas in the past. We reduced the number of concurrent replicas and increased the CPU allowance for the rebuild process in the Longhorn settings and that helped with the issue. Maybe it would help you too.
In at least one case though they are single replicas on single nodes with single work-loads. No rebuild needed.
In fact at this point I've rebooted nodes in different clusters having this issue and after boot they're "back to normal" but since that isn't a thing kuberntes itself did, it isn't really "self healing"
Something seems to be related... all the issues have a redis deployment saving backups on it. So for the time being I'm stopping that (I CAN store those in other volume types that might be more reliable).
Hi @mysterious-rose-43856, I'd like to try and understand your situation a bit more. Are you using Longhorn to store Redis data? Is this happening while doing a snapshot/backup but the Redis service is being restarted?
Well I no-longer think it is related to redis, I'm thinking more and more that this is a longhorn issue. I'm testing right now with re-created volumes that were RWX to RWO (not a great long term work around, but can work if it must).
It seems like the replica is not build up normally, and I saw there is an error message:
cannot add new replica larger than size 5368709120
. I think it might be the replica actual size is exceed Longhorn volume size.