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# rancher-desktop
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looks like your VM is out of space. May need to increase the VM size
Thanks for the response. The VM size was 24G and I increased it to 32G. Same problem. Can't believe 24 or 32G not sufficient.
did you resize the file system to match the new device size?
No. Just memory settings. Where do I resize the file system?
assuming you are talking disk and not memory
I looked at the link. Where might I find the current VM disk file size?
you could use rdctl to look at the device
its just a lima thing
Ok. Seems to work now. Thanks
👍 1
You may also have accumulated a lot of dangling images. Did you run
docker image prune
nerdctl image prune
) to reclaim some unused space?
👍 1
I run into the same problem and wondering how to resolve it. Got this error "cannot access containerd socket "/run/k3s/containerd/containerd.sock": no such file or directory" when run "nerdctl image prune --all". Got this error "error during connect: Post "http://%2Fvar%2Frun%2Fdocker.sock/v1.24/images/prune?filters=%7B%22dangling%22%3A%7B%22true%22%3Atrue%7D%7D": EOF" when run "docker image prune".
@narrow-salesmen-30703 I have exactly the same problem as you had, could you share how did you make that works? Thanks.
Maybe the docker or containerd daemons can no longer run because you are completely out of space. You can try to increase the disk size, but I'm not sure if this will work (and it requires that you have additional space on the host).
Make very sure that Rancher Desktop is not currently running!
Then run this command:
Copy code
$ /Applications/Rancher\ <|> resize "$HOME/Library/Application Support/rancher-desktop/lima/0/diffdisk" +10G
Image resized.
It goes from
all the way to
... +10G
and must be on one line, with the quotes around the path and everything.
If it succeeds, start Rancher Desktop. It should automatically grow the partition to use the additional space.
Then run the prune command before you do anything else that might eat up the additional space.
Let us all know how it works out!
It works like a charm, thanks a lot @fast-garage-66093
I just found this thread while googling and came to say that that command from the thread didn’t exactly work for me. But I now see that the command that is here on Slack is the one that I was going to say works 😄