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# kubernetes
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that is probably not going to work. not if you’re using a cloud provider at least. Even if you can get the nodes to register, you can generally only have one cloud provider per cluster, and it won’t know how to find the nodes added from the other foreign providers so they won’t get set up properly.
I was thinking this can be done and all nodes can find themselves over public IP when internet access is enabled on them
the cloud provider still needs to be able to find instance metadata. If you use the AWS cloud provider for example, and try to add an Azure node, it will not be able to find the Azure node by ID and it will remain uninitialized in the cluster.
The AWS cloud provider knows nothing about Azure or GKE or any other provider. It will only initialize nodes that it knows about.
Yes azure didn’t work also, can that be why a lot of rancher agent was created on the aws ec2 node, last count was over 20
Just trying to see if I can create a cluster with nodes from different providers, was able to add a node from digital ocean. Thought it will be seamless for aws ec2 and azure. Thank you @creamy-pencil-82913