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# k3s
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o/ a happy bystander here. Personally, I find the k3s install script just fine. Either way if your concerns are provisioning idempotency, a couple of settings that one tend to overlook and raspberry checks then the Ansible playbook could be your answer. The only catch is that I don’t see too much movement in the playbook’s PRs, while the k3s install script is still being patched when needed.
👍 1
I like the ansible one you posted. If I remember, it does a little OS tweaking too, that the normal installer doesn’t.
👆 1
Give a look as well .. quite nice
that tool looks like an alternative to terraform. How do i use it to provision a k3s solution?
Start by joining the kcli channel on Kubernetes slack and read it’s docs and the GitHub repo.
You can also get going very quickly by using the k3sup tool by Alex Ellis