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# lima
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Are you saying qemu would still use hyper-v on Windows? In that case I think it will have the same issue with UNIX sockets as WSL2.
In addition you probably require Windows Professional for the Hyper-V license. Windows Home allows you to run WSL2 on Hyper-V, but not your own VMs.
It uses the same hyper-v framework, if I understand things correctly (WHPX)
No idea about licensing, only tried it on work computer
I don't know for sure, but I think this means it won't work on Windows Home:
That was one of the reason we choose WSL2 for Rancher Desktop (and I suspect was a reason for Docker Desktop as well)
I think there are still valid reasons to continue to use WSL2, this QEMU-based experiment is more to use the same base
There is just so much missing from Windows, that I am thinking of only "supporting" MSYS (with MinGW and pacman).