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# rancher-desktop
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there aren’t any explicit proxy settings in RD right now. There are some workarounds documented in the Issues attached to the “area/proxy” label.
I'm currently facing this issue where I am trying to run hello-world or search a redis image. To the best of my knowledge could be a proxy issue, any hints as to how to bypass this?
so assuming you don’t have an internal mirror that doesn’t require the proxy you can use the override.yaml for Mac ( or for Windows it gets a bit messier with using WSLENV and some file changes in Alpine.
im currently on Windows, sorry I didnt disclose that earlier, any helpful links?
yup so you would need to look at the editing of the rc.conf
just read that issue
i have found exposing a proxy causes issues w K3s startup as some of the metric-server traffic starts to get misrouted. Haven’t figured out why it works fine for macos, but not WSL.
Could you please guide to the location of the rc.conf in windows?
its in the alpine VM
rdctl shell
to get into the distro and it would be /etc/rc.conf
as noted its a bit messier than the limavm option on macos
Thanks for the help! I have followed the instructions but I am facing this error on startup after restart. Any clues?
new one for me. did you add a provisioning script or is that path missing?
figured it out, i made a typo inside the rc.conf
👍 1