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# harvester
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you will probably run into issues with hardware requirements using a setup like that. Do you have only 1 network adapter on the laptop?
Sounds like you only have wi-fi and no Ethernet interface?
I have wi-fi and ethernet interface but while install harvester I have only wi-fi interface
and I have connected ethernet interface from router to laptop
hmm, I would think that could work. You don’t see additional options when hitting space or tab on the NIC option? I still think you would hit hardware limits once harvester is up, but not at this stage.
unfortunately no, I only see
Even I change in bios order to first run ethernet controller and then harvester but the result is the same
mayby the laptop is too old and as you say it is a hardware limits
I have second laptop (older and less powerfull) and I can't even enter hostname 🙂 after hiting enter the install procedure is restarted 🙂
I need to upgrade my hardware
😅 1