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# k3s
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that’s correct. is there some problem?
we’ve always pulled all of the images for packaged components from the rancher org on Docker Hub. This is because we have a contract with Docker Hub to exempt the rancher org from anonymous pull rate-limiting.
Haven't faced any problem so far from DNS or traefik point of view. I was just curious to know why was it named like mirrored-* instead of coredns:verion_number
because we have configured datadog agent which process the logs from system pods too and the status is in Pending, so thought of asking here if i get some answer here
because it’s not our image, we’ve mirrored (copied) it from coredns/coredns
same with the opther one, it’s mirrored from library/traefik
that’s our convention for how we name our mirrored images
the tags are the same….
Aah okay. Thanks buddy!! I'll post if i get some questions on it here this thread Hope it is fine 🤞