ello everybody, We have deployed Rancher server o...
# general
ello everybody, We have deployed Rancher server on Kubernetes using certificates signed by our private intermediate CA, its certificate in turn being signed by our private root CA. Before deploying Rancher server, we had created the certificate secret resource for the ingress as well as the CA certificate secret resource as instructed by this guide: https://docs.ranchermanager.rancher.io/v2.5/getting-started/installation-and-upgrade/resources/update-rancher-certificate The ingress secret contains the certificate corresponding to the ingress FQDN, and the intermediate CA certificate, plus the ingress private key. The
Rancher server was deployed using the following command:
Copy code
helm install rancher rancher-stable/rancher --namespace cattle-system \
--set hostname=<FQDN> \
--set replicas=3 \
--set ingress.tls.source=secret \
--set privateCA=true
However, when importing an existing generic Kubernetes cluster,