Hello, We have Rancher 2.5.9 with multiple RKE clu...
# general
Hello, We have Rancher 2.5.9 with multiple RKE clusters an issue started with kubectl not responding and Rancher UI stuck In rancher Logs we see the errors below, but when we check them from the same nodes they work (connection is opened)
rancher-7859df46-c69nz rancher 2022/11/21 16:27:56 [ERROR] error syncing 'cattle-global-data/rke-cis-1.5': handler cisBenchmarkVersionHandler: cisBenchmarkVersionHandler: Sync: error creating namespace: error while creating namespace security-scan: Internal error occurred: failed calling webhook "<http://owner.namespace.capsule.clastix.io|owner.namespace.capsule.clastix.io>": Post "<https://capsule-webhook-service.liqo.svc:443/namespace-owner-reference?timeout=30s>": dial tcp connect: connection refused, requeuing
rancher-7859df46-c69nz rancher 2022/11/21 16:27:58 [ERROR] error syncing 'cattle-global-data/rke-cis-1.4': handler cisBenchmarkVersionHandler: cisBenchmarkVersionHandler: Sync: error creating namespace: error while creating namespace security-scan: Internal error occurred: failed calling webhook "<http://owner.namespace.capsule.clastix.io|owner.namespace.capsule.clastix.io>": Post "<https://capsule-webhook-service.liqo.svc:443/namespace-owner-reference?timeout=30s>": dial tcp connect: connection refused, requeuing
rancher-7859df46-c69nz rancher 2022/11/21 16:28:01 [ERROR] error syncing 'c-hjrkx/m-1526f20a73c5': handler rke-worker-upgrader: getNodePlan error for node [m-1526f20a73c5]: failed to find plan for, requeuing
rancher-7859df46-c69nz rancher 2022/11/21 16:28:01 [ERROR] error syncing 'c-hjrkx/m-1526f20a73c5': handler rke-worker-upgrader: getNodePlan error for node [m-1526f20a73c5]: failed to find plan for, requeuing
rancher-7859df46-c69nz rancher 2022/11/21 16:28:01 [ERROR] error syncing 'c-hjrkx/m-1526f20a73c5': handler rke-worker-upgrader: getNodePlan error for node [m-1526f20a73c5]: failed to find plan for, requeuing
rancher-7859df46-c69nz rancher 2022/11/21 16:28:01 [ERROR] error syncing 'c-hjrkx/m-1526f20a73c5': handler rke-worker-upgrader: getNodePlan error for node [m-1526f20a73c5]: failed to find plan for, requeuing
rancher-7859df46-c69nz rancher 2022/11/21 16:28:02 [ERROR] error syncing 'c-hjrkx/m-1526f20a73c5': handler rke-worker-upgrader: getNodePlan error for node [m-1526f20a73c5]: failed to find plan for, requeuing
rancher-7859df46-c69nz rancher 2022/11/21 16:28:02 [ERROR] error syncing 'c-hjrkx/m-1526f20a73c5': handler rke-worker-upgrader: getNodePlan error for node [m-1526f20a73c5]: failed to find plan for, requeuing
rancher-7859df46-c69nz rancher 2022/11/21 16:28:02 [ERROR] error syncing 'c-hjrkx/m-1526f20a73c5': handler rke-worker-upgrader: getNodePlan error for node [m-1526f20a73c5]: failed to find plan for, requeuing
rancher-7859df46-c69nz rancher 2022/11/21 16:28:04 [ERROR] error syncing 'c-hjrkx/m-1526f20a73c5': handler rke-worker-upgrader: getNodePlan error for node [m-1526f20a73c5]: failed to find plan for, requeuing
rancher-7859df46-c69nz rancher 2022/11/21 16:28:06 [ERROR] error syncing 'c-hjrkx/m-1526f20a73c5': handler rke-worker-upgrader: getNodePlan error for node [m-1526f20a73c5]: failed to find plan for, requeuing
rancher-7859df46-c69nz rancher 2022/11/21 16:28:11 [ERROR] error syncing 'c-hjrkx/m-1526f20a73c5': handler rke-worker-upgrader: getNodePlan error for node [m-1526f20a73c5]: failed to find plan for, requeuing
rancher-7859df46-c69nz rancher 2022/11/21 16:28:22 [ERROR] error syncing 'c-hjrkx/m-1526f20a73c5': handler rke-worker-upgrader: getNodePlan error for node [m-1526f20a73c5]: failed to find plan for, requeuing
rancher-7859df46-c69nz rancher 2022/11/21 16:28:42 [ERROR] error syncing 'c-hjrkx/m-1526f20a73c5': handler rke-worker-upgrader: getNodePlan error for node [m-1526f20a73c5]: failed to find plan for, requeuing