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# k3s
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the upgrade doesn’t NEED to go out to the internet. If you specify the target version in the plan, and have the matching tag available in your private registry or preloaded onto the node, it will just work. Have you actually tried it yet?
The only bits that need access to the internet are the channel server lookup (for obvious reasons) and the image pull. You can avoid both of those if you just prepare properly.
Are you under the impression that the k3s-upgrade image downloads the new binary from the internet? It does not. It contains the new version in it, and just copies it over.
I was - I was thinking that the k3s service binary would need to be updated / replaced PLUS any images - is that incorrect?
yep. I wouldn’t try it unless you’re using a registry mirror or have a very easy process to import tarballs on all your nodes… but everything you need is available.
Just need to get the k3s-upgrade image, and all the images from the new version’s airgap image tarball, loaded before you run the upgrade
interesting. I will experiment with it - thanks
like I said above, the k3s service binary is in the k3s-upgrade image. It does not download it from the internet.
right I inferred that. I will experiment with it - intuitively it seems like the upgrade would be easier if you could "point" the plan to a storage location with the needed tarballs but - I should work through the upgrade process in an air-gapped way before saying that - which I will do
tarballs are just a convenient way to move around multiple images. At the end of the day the plan itself doesn’t care about tarballs or anything else, it just needs the images to be available - either preloaded into the containerd image store on every node, or on a registry mirror that the nodes can pull from.