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# general
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what's your rancher and vsphere version? I'm on 2.6.9/7U2 and I had no trouble with that step. also, check if the user you are trying to log in as has all the permissions from this page:[…]nodes-in-an-infra-provider/vsphere/create-credentials
I think I read somewhere that you need at least vsphere 6.7, but 7.x is probably better 🙂
Hi, unfortunately it appears you’re hitting this known issue. It looks to be tentatively scheduled for release in Rancher v2.7.1
they said they're creating cloud credentials, though, not deleting them. so they can't be in use 🙂
I have the same problem creating a cred with 2.7.0 and vcenter 7.0.3. I double-checked the permissions for the vcenter role. There must be something missing from the documentation because I was able to create the credential using an admin account.
I take that back. Something funky with using a domain user. I created a local vsphere user and it worked fine.
interesting. that might be @loud-dog-19653's problem as well
I think I had some other problem with creating a domain user, which is why I used a local user right away. didn't occur to me that this could
same problem here deleting old credentials.
that was 2 months ago 😄
which version are you on?
rancher version
if I read this correctly, it's fixed in 2.7.2-rc1
but the thing that's fixed is just a user-unfriendly error message
assuming that the error message you're getting is "Index with name by-cloud-cred does not exist", that error message could be telling you that you cannot delete credentials that are still in use. so check if those credentials are still being used in any cluster 🙂
Ill check it out, pretty sure it is not used. Only realy started affter upgrading from 2.6.7 to 2.6.9
All good, thanks, Ill check it out!
Not in use. Also when I modify a credential it creates a new credential... Very weird, just going to wait til a release fixes whatever it is. For now the one credential I want to use is there and working
yeah if there's not a pressing issue, that's fine. I'm guessing you'll eventually upgrade to 2.7.2+ and hopefully get a more helpful from that version