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# longhorn-storage
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specifically I can't find this 'dropdown' mentioned in the docs.
Since this appears to be a Harvester deployment, any reason why you are using the underlying Longhorn to add the disk as opposed to using the Harvester UI: Harvester -> Hosts -> (select the host with the new disk) -> Edit Config -> Disks Scroll to the bottom and select the "Add Disks" button. A drop-down menu of available disks that can be added shows up. Select your new disk, check the format button if required, and save the changes. I am still on Harvester 1.0.3 (waiting on 1.1.1 to drop for storage network and tiering), but this method has worked for me.
I have done that. I took the chance and force-formatted it. and it appears as this:
Nice! Also, good to see a screenshot of the Disk Tags section for 1.1.0.
I then went to advanced -> storage classes and I see two storage classes (longhorn and longhorn-harvester but their properties show NOTHING for the parameters and when i try to create a new storage class, it's parameters show nothing as as well:
so I read about past multi-disk issues so tried to dig into longhorn itself.
And, I ran into the same force-format message on my cluster. In my case, 8 drives in a Dell R740XD that had been previously used as a Hadoop cluster. I had to manually format the drives to get Harvester to see them, and they showed up as force-formatted. Harvester used them just fine after that.
And, WRT storage classes, I am still on 1.0.3 due to a bug in 1.1.0. I look forward to seeing how it works. Sorry I can't be of more help.
any engagement from the community is helpful. I really want to see this vmware killing HCI and in my mind, SUSE competitor to RedHat OpenShift, really take off. They are /almost/ there. The concepts are sound. Thanks for reaching out, I really appreciate it.
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I had issues doing a 1.0.3 upgrade but since this strictly a single node lab box I reinstalled with 1.1.0.
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Ditto! Been having a blast in our lab playing with Harvester and the Rancher integrations. We are a VMWare shop for enterprise workloads and OpenStack for research workloads (this is a higher-ed institution). The integrations that Suse has on the roadmap for Harvester play nicely into our goals of being able to move VMs between stacks depending on cost/uptime, and getting an alternative to VMWare in case the acquisition that they are undergoing goes south.
I'm a VCP and stopped doing vmware consulting right around the Tanzu timeframe. Their (vmware) virtual desktops with GPU off load is nice for education, I have done two, one for a college and one for a university here in Canada. It remains to be seen if Broadcom manages to kill vmware with their acquisition 😉
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Sorry for the late reply, for the very first issue/screenshot, you can find a horizontal scroll bar on the Longhorn UI page. After scrolling right, you will set the button. As for the empty Parameter issue, it maybe a UI bug. You may need to create StorageClass with YAML…