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# vsphere
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I set the Cloud Provider to vSphere and add the Add-on Config for vSphere CPI Configuration
did you also give credentials and a datastore URL for the csi chart (which should be in the addon field for rke2 clusters when creating) what k8s version are you using? and lastly, if you’re manually creating a pvc (through the persistent volume claim page in rancher, and not through say the workload page), then you might be hitting this bug:
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I did specify the credentials on the Add on page. But I don't have a datastore URL there. I only have the attached options
I'm using the following k8 version
was there a CPI and CSI field? You must enter those creds 2x on the add-ons page
I only get CPI configuration, the CSI is not shown when making the cluster
It looks like this is related to
I was able to get it working by manually adding the CSI options in the Yml config
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