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# rancher-desktop
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In my case, my problem was that the VPN forwards everything on its internal range across the VPN. My local network shared the same range, so it was trying to send the DHCP request across it as well and all other things RD related. That is to say that if your VPN is fowarding all things 192.x across, and you're internal is 192.168.x.x, then this will happen. I was able to resolve it by creating a separate VLAN just for my work computer to put it in a completely different range. It's only been this way since Wednesday afternoon now, but so far everything seems to be a lot better.
Thanks Charles, but I do not think I have permissions to make changes to create separate VLAN on my office laptop.
The VLAN was made on my internal home network. The Laptop has no knowledge that it's on a VLAN or of anything else in the environment.
I am connecting via my office wifi, from office also I need to connect to a vpn 🙂
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