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# random
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When a downstream cluster is set up in Rancher, a kubectl command is run on the downstream cluster which installs the cluster agent. This same command gives the cluster agent a token. The agent then initiates communication with Rancher which is authenticated with that token. I'm not sure if that answers your question
The port requirements for Rancher and downstream clusters are here
Thanks for your reply 🙂 . My question was more related to how the local cluster communicates with the downstream one ? I saw many errors on the cluster explorer where the healthcheck could not be checked on the downstream cluster. The cluster API endpoint that been queried was a special port (46634/TCP). But as i read the documentation you provided, it seems that the only port needed is the 6443/TCP.
The Kubernetes API server runs on 6443. I have no idea where 46634 came from
Okay, thanks anyway. I was just wondering about this error. Restarting the rancher container solved the problem.