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# rancher-desktop
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For Rancher Desktop on Windows, the docker daemon is set up as a Windows named pipe:
which would only allow for local connections.
I'll have to look through the code to see where it's configured.
I don't think this is currently possible, and created an enhancement request from the discussion item:
👍 1
This will only cover the moby/dockerd use-case; using the containerd API without access to the filesystem where the images are stored typically doesn't work (that's the reason
has to run inside the VM and cannot run on the host via a socket/named pipe).
At least for my use-case, moby/dockerd would be fine. Until then i've got to stay with docker-desktop or run docker-cli in a custom build distribution as the gradle-plugin used to build (and test) containers does not work with named pipes. Thank you for the quick replies!