Hello. I'm trying to determine how the "providerI...
# rfed_ara
Hello. I'm trying to determine how the "providerID" is being set. Briefly, we have deployed the AWS Load Balancer Controller into a RKE2 cluster, and can provision a load balancer, but error (typical): "providerID rke2://ip-xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx.<domain> is invalid for EC2 instances, node: <http://ip-xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx.calormen.net|ip-xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx.<>domain>" is reported in the controller pods. I suspected the problem might be related to the IP-based hostname / instance ID limitation discussed here: https://github.com/kubernetes/cloud-provider-aws/blob/master/docs/prerequisites.md so I launched an instance with hostname "ip-xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx.<region>.compute.internal", installed the RKE2 agent, and joined it to the cluster. The node name is "correct" (the IP-based hostname), but there was no change in behavior. Error: "providerID rke2://ip-xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx.us-gov-west-1.compute.internal is invalid for EC2 instances, node: ip-xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx.us-gov-west-1.compute.internal" I'd like to
I accidentally hit "Enter" instead of "Shift-Enter" and now my "time to edit" has run out. This was my question: Hello. I'm trying to determine how the "providerID" is being set. Briefly, we have deployed the AWS Load Balancer Controller into a RKE2 cluster, and can provision a load balancer, but error (typical): "providerID rke2://ip-xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx.<domain> is invalid for EC2 instances, node: ip-xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx.<domain>" is reported in the controller pods. I suspected the problem might be related to the IP-based hostname / instance ID limitation discussed here: https://github.com/kubernetes/cloud-provider-aws/blob/master/docs/prerequisites.md so I launched an instance with hostname "ip-xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx.<region>.compute.internal", installed the RKE2 agent, and joined it to the cluster. The node name is "correct" (the IP-based hostname), but there was no change in behavior. Error: "providerID rke2://ip-xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx.us-gov-west-1.compute.internal is invalid for EC2 instances, node: ip-xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx.us-gov-west-1.compute.internal" is reported and the application is unreachable. HTTP status code 503 is reported. I'd like to understand how provider ID is being set, and specifically if "rke2://" is a valid "providerID" (and how to determine what providerIDs are valid). Any guidance would be appreciated.
Hi @fierce-summer-6167, I will open a ticket for you get assistance for your issue. Thanks
Can you please provide me your email address? Do you have account for Zendesk?
or can I send to tereccs@ara.com?
Hello @polite-honey-55746, My email address is "jallen@ara.com". I don't have access to "tereccs@ara.com", but please cc tereccs so that anyone having access also has a record of the discussion.
Ok I can add you in Zendesk and cc them as well
That's great! Thanks.