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# rancher-desktop
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what exactly is your question?
are you talking rancher desktop on your local machine or are you talking about rancher in general?
hi guys, thanks for replying. iam talking about rancher that hosted by my company which i can access it through the UI. they set me up a cluster with 4 nodes (1 master and 3 worker) right now i want to deploy 4 laravel microservices there. when I push the docker image to dockerhub and pull it through rancher it works well but somehow i don't really know how to set up the database, and the load balancer. i've been lookin for the documentation and stuff still had no clue at all.
what i already did is set up the workload deployment, and services on service discovery. the thing is when i put the database env, it couldnt find the host, well to be exact i cannot know what should i fill this DB_HOST variable on yaml with
there may be laravel users on this channel, but you may find more info on channels like general as this channel is for single node RD product. Hypothetically k8s is k8s (I know k3s in RD space) but just a different audience