Hello! I have a problem trying to pass cluster nam...
# fleet
Hello! I have a problem trying to pass cluster name as a value to Helm in fleet.yaml. My fleet.yaml:
defaultNamespace: monitoringfleet
dir: ""
chart: <https://xxxxxx.yyyyyyy.xxxxxxxxxxx.com/artifactory/api/helm/vii-helm/_external/https/cdn.zabbix.com/zabbix/integrations/kubernetes-helm/6.0/zabbix-helm-chrt-1.1.1.tgz>
releaseName: "zabbixfleet"
zabbixProxy.env[1].value: ${ .ClusterName }
- zabbix_values.yaml
So Im trying to pass my cluster name (
${ .ClusterName }
as a value to the helm chart. I get no error on Rancher UI and I was unable to find any relevant logs what could be the issue, but fleet does not install the chart with the clustername, it does not reconcile. I believe there is some error in that above yaml? How to pass cluster name to helm chart or pass cluster annotations to helm chart?