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# random
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Scheduler and API Server are part of "Server". See the architecture here: And to deploy an agent node (worker) a token is needed which is generated by server
@hundreds-evening-84071 Thanks for the response. So the conclusion is we need to run k3s-server along with k3s-agent to achieve Container Orchestration service requirement. Is my understanding correct?
when you start k3s-server it should also start worker process, but if you start k3s-agent service you have to provide token from server. So, basically what I am trying to say is if you are only working on a single node then all you need to start is k3s-server service, no need to also start k3s-agent.
Thanks for the clarity. I am having a hardware device of 512MB RAM. If I want to create and run 3 containers (4 applications/container), along with Container Orchestration service requirement, does running k3s-server alone is sufficient to achieve this requirement ?(considering only 512MB RAM memory available standpoint)
@hundreds-evening-84071, Any information on above query will be helpful for me to decide on using K3s for my project.
I am not sure if I can answer your question. This, I think, you will have to experiment for your self. Some apps require more resources than other and resource requirements also depends on how the app will be used.
Ok, Thanks for the reply.