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# general
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I think the best way is to create 2x ClusterIP services (1 for DB and 1 for app), then just create an ingress and connect it to your clusterIP services (it should appear in rancher UI )
👍 1
Would you know a guide that I could follow (can just be for a random app)?
I think kubernetes docs. You can do it by Rancher UI but you need kubernetes knowledge. As you can see you need
kind: Service
(clusterIP) for your deployment, then connect it to ingress. If you do it by Rancher GUI selectors will be created automatically. All you have to do is
-> click three dots in right of name of your deployment and
edit config
-> click tab with your container name (to the right of "Pods") and click "Add Port". After this operation you should get service. Service Discovery -> Services. Last step is just to create ingress and connect to your service
This is more of a kubernetes question than a rancher one.