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# general
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For context, our rancher cluster is running on 1.25 (due to an accidental upgrade), which forced us to upgrade to the latest version of rancher and use the RC version. Now some clusters are working, but there are 2 or 3 that are having the above error.
We solved this... Seemed to be firewall issues blocking pot
which is weird because it has been working for a long time....
(and we haven't changed firewall rules)
@clever-salesmen-35792 we're having the same issue after upgrading to Ubuntu 20.02 - where did you need to make the firewall change and how did you notice the block?
So running this in all of our clusters helped: It was actually changed to the following (found from rancher github)
Copy code
kubectl delete secret -n cattle-system cattle-webhook-tls
kubectl delete <|> --ignore-not-found=true <|>
kubectl delete pod -n cattle-system -l app=rancher-webhook
The firewall changes were needed for our private clusters in GKE.
cool i will check that out thank you
so my issue was because i had a dummy registries.yaml that i was loading that k3s was trying to read. removing it solved my issue.