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# fleet
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Hi, We already use Fleet to install all the Rancher charts. Here is an example :
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defaultNamespace: cattle-gatekeeper-system
  repo: <>
  chart: rancher-gatekeeper-crd
  version: 101.0.0+up3.9.0
  releaseName: rancher-gatekeeper-crd
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defaultNamespace: cattle-gatekeeper-system
  repo: <>
  chart: rancher-gatekeeper
  version: 101.0.0+up3.9.0
  releaseName: rancher-gatekeeper
    experimentalEnableMutation: true
    auditMatchKindOnly: true
    auditFromCache: true
  - name: opa-gatekeeper-rancher-gatekeeper-crd
What would be the best approach to customize an application across different clusters? Let's say I want to deploy a CSI driver but every cluster needs to use their own backend storage path. Creating a Kustomize setup for every cluster seems like a bad idea.
You can use a targetcustomization, where you can pass in customised values for every cluster
👍 2
That worked well with one application (chart) and many clusters, thanks! But what about having multiple charts over many clusters? I don't want to repeat the targetcustomizations again for each chart, is there a way to do it only once? (Something like this example, but with charts instead of yaml manifests) In the customizations, I'm changing the helm chart values only
Fleet itself is based on helm. Helm can have dependent charts. If you can create a helm chart that follows the dependent charts model as well as the values then yes. You can do what you want
Another way to put it. What you are asking for is possible. But the functionality of the values in the many different dependent charts is dependent on the author of the helm chart. Fleet will just follow what is being designed in the helm chart
Yep, I got it, thanks.