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# k3s
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I'm not sure what you mean by n-2. The channels are what's listed there - latest, stable, and one for each Kubernetes minor.
The upgrade controller will always put you in the latest version in a given channel
Ah. Cool I didn’t know about the channel feature yet. I can’t fully automate this because it rotates my rook-ceph nodes too quickly. Somehow it would be nice to have it wait until some command (eg ceph status) returns something (health-ok). Is that possible?
you can write a plan to do whatever you want
the page you linked to has links to both the release channels list, and to the system-upgrade-controller repo which has more documentation on SUC plans and some examples
ah jeah right, the “prepare” step could be used for that. but the “default” which does is also useful… so I would have to bake some own k3s-upgrade image which additionally does some checks there. But well, maybe some time in the future 😄
I don’t think so, I bet you can get everything you need out of the existing image with some tweaks to the plan
hmmmm, I don’t really see how to easily add additional behaviour instead of replacing it. The
( is just one container which has to do all the logic. if it would be a list of contains like initContainers which all have to terminate before the upgrade starts… easy 😄 but adding “wait for ceph health to be OK” without replacing the whole logic about the “k3s-upgrade/prepare” with checking if the master plan exists and versions match… no idea yet.