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# random
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can you just delete and have the job refire?
I deleted everything and started from the beginning, do u have any tutorial how to install rancher cluster ?
What exactly is your issue , have you updated your cluster recently ?
How are you installing rancher, what's your use case?
and this is what happens [etcd] Failed to bring up Etcd Plane: etcd cluster is unhealthy: hosts [] failed to report healthy. Check etcd container logs on each host for more information
Hmm. That could happen due to a number of reasons.
Do you have the same number of nodes, amount of memory, etc as seen in the tutorial?
It could be memory issues.
Also, the error sounds like you’re in HA (High Availability) mode, with multiple master nodes. Hence my question about how many nodes.
i have 1 master and 2 nodes, probably can be the memory issue or processor too,but do u have a tutorial to install rancher ?
Maybe let's backtrack a little bit • if you just want to install Rancher, you can do so on a single node Here is the 2 step quick-start guide for deploying as a docker container on a Linux host