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# rancher-desktop
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If I run: kubectl run -it --rm --restart=Never busybox --image=busybox:1.28 -- wget It downloads successfully. However any other pods that are running, it fails with bad address.
Hmm, there shouldn't be any difference; presumably you've already tried comparing
and things like that? Especially if there's multiple entries some how (I wouldn't expect more than one)… Those pods don't have any non-default networking configuration right?
Everything seems fine - hostnames are resolving when using nslookup, so that should rule out the resolv.conf file. No non-default anything that I can see.
Right, that was why I mentioned having multiple nameservers in
(technically it's undefined which server you use, as it's not supposed to be an ordered list, so it's possible that one thing happened to pick a luckier server). But that doesn't sound relevant here…
Nope. It was using the kube-dns server, but for giggles, I added before it just to see. hostnames were always resolving though. Very odd.
Maybe something is being silly and trying to use IPv6?
Not that I have particular reasons for thinking that would lead to the described behaviour; this is more just generically blaming IPv6 when I start running out of ideas…
I’ve have the same issue with my Mac M1 with wifi only. Lots of weird networking stuff on local cluster and one I built in Parallels. If I had ethernet I’d try that and see if it was any better. The Mac wifi causes me some issues when my networking gets crazy like with k8s and vms.