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# rancher-desktop
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Is your machine managed by your employer? maybe they changed your machine's profile. Have you tried running rancher desktop without admin access?
1. you can verify if you have access to (Linux + Mac) /var/run/docker.sock 2. (Mac only) /opt/rancher-desktop 3. (Mac only) /etc/sudoers.d/zzzzz-rancher-desktop-lima 4. (Mac only) /var/run/rancher-desktop-* If you do, you could try to remove these files after factory reset and before restarting the application
Thank you for the information, Isabela! I did try this, and unfortunately got the same result. It is a company managed machine so I will check with our people who set that up. I greatly appreciate your help!
There's probably a change to /etc/sudoers or another file in /etc/sudoers.d/* which is interfering
(I think this should be a faq)