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# general
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Rancher has 3 distros, RKE, RKE2, and K3s. Which one are you looking for? Civo Cloud is based on K3s. Or do you also want the Rancher UI in addition to one of our Kubernetes distros?
Good to know about Civo, however I am interested in managed service built on RKE2. As for Rancher UI, that is not essential, but good to have.
Why does it matter which distribution they are running, if all you want to do is deploy Helm charts? The whole point of a fully managed K8s env is that you don't have to bother with that layer.
My end-customer runs RKE2 on-prem and they insist on sanity test on similar environment. Trying to avoid having to set it up, finetune and manage it in our lab, if possible.
Fine-tune? There's no real fine-tuning needed if all you need is a lab env, it pretty much works out of the box, and there's a 3rd party Ansible role to automate the whole thing
Fine tune for network performance mostly. We do have some specific requirements too from worker nodes (lksctp, dkms...), support of kubeVIP etc. Ideally, we'd like for this to be RKE2 on bare-metal.
The Ansible Role to install RKE2 is definitely interesting and the route we'd take if DIY is the only option.
I’m not aware of anyone offering a managed Kubernetes service based on RKE2.
✅ 1
Thank you @creamy-pencil-82913