Currently, the error I'm getting when I open ranch...
# rancher-desktop
Currently, the error I'm getting when I open rancher desktop is this: WSL.exe exited with code 429497295 • It appears to happen during the step "setting up WSL data" • the last command run is "wsl.exe --distribution rancher-desktop --exec /bin/sh -c [ -e /etc/os-release ] && ./etc/os-release ; echo ${VERSION_ID:-0.1} • I've closed rancher, removed and reinstalled WSL, run wsl --update (which did update it, then showed it was fully updated on the second run) • I've unregistered the rancher-desktop distribution and let it recreate • I'm running this on a local admin account with (as far as I know, but company computer so who really knows) no network blocking • This same error is happening on multiple machines with fresh installations of Rancher