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# general
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The Rancher team are continually, and specifically, making performance improvements. In addition to improvements in 2.7.0 you can find experimental UI improvements in three line burger menu top left --> Global Settings --> Performance. Those are mainly focused at UI list performance. In order to guide is in future improvements it would help us if you could provide as much detail as possible when you say 'the ui is extremely slow', and also roughly the number of resources you imported eks cluster has (specifically 'workloads' types).
@stocky-account-63046 thanks i can see it, can you tell what should i select from settings and configure Should i enable garbage collector and manual refresh?
It depends on what you mean by 'the ui is extremely slow'
The resource loading is taking lot of times, if we move from pages to nodes to pods or to configmaps
@stocky-account-63046 ^
Roughly how many pods and configmaps do have in the cluster?
If your slowness is just due the time it takes to fetch a large number of resource, you'll most be interested in
Incremental Loading
. If those resources change a lot you may also want to play around with
Manual Refresh
@stocky-account-63046 10k pods
@stocky-account-63046 thank you for the tips is it possible to exclude namespaces from ui? it might help we dont really need all namespaces resources in rancher ui
Fetching all namespaces in a cluster is unavoidable. In terms of fetching all resources regardless of the filter, there's a number of improvements targetted at the next two releases that will help. Some will improve how the dashboard handles lots of resources. some will work by restricting the amount of resources we fetch. More specifically for the latter, one of the changes targetted for 2.7.2 is to only fetch resource from a single namespace, which blocks selection of multiple namespaces or any project/s (this will be updated in following releases to allow more to be selected)
wow, thanks for the update what about excluding specific resources? is it possible? (for example Nodes)
From the video you sent, it looks like even loading the landing page was an issue. It would be good to understand which network requests are consuming the time. Would you be able to provide the output of the browser's dev tools network tab?
we only fetch resource types that are required, so if we fetch thme we need them
yes i will send you in ptivate
👍 1
at this point, can we stick to screenshots of that network tab?