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# general
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+1 to this. I just installed RKE2 v1.26.1+rke2r1 from the quickstart script and the
helm install rancher
command failed with this same error.
you can’t. You have to install rancher on a compatible version of Kubernetes. You can check the Rancher docs to see which versions of Kubnernetes it supports, but also the chart is telling you right there it needs to be <1.25
Rancher should support 1.25 and 1.26 soon.
Thanks for clarifying.
So, since I’m using Ubuntu 22.04, my question is: is there any distro which “fits” better for Rancher? I mean, what distro has Kubernetes version is “in sync” with Rancher?
Well we have three of them that we maintain that you could choose from. k3s, rke2, and rke. Any other distro that lets you pick what version of Kubernetes to use would also work.
A part from that, why should I choose rke2 over Ubuntu 22.04? Is there any other advantage to use the rke2 distro?
Ubuntu is a Linux distro, not a Kubernetes distro. Are you referring to microk8s?
Canonical has another Kubernetes distro as well, Charmed.
Rancher should work with any of them, as long as you use the correct version.
What’s the difference between a Linux and Kubernetes distro? Personally, I just run some VMs on Proxmox executing Ubuntu cloud version and installed Kubernetes on top of them. What’s the difference with Charmed Ubuntu or RKE2?
Linux is a whole operating system. Many companies offer different “distributions” of Linux for you to pick from. Each one uses different ways of building packages, and includes different versions of those packages. Kubernetes is a piece of software that you install on an operating system. Many companies offer different “distributions” of Kubernetes for you to pick from. Each one uses different ways of building Kubernetes, and includes different components and different versions of those components.
If you’re not sure how Kubernetes is different from Proxmox or Docker I might suggest you have some reading to do.
With “Kubernetes distro” I thought there’s a specific Linux distro shipped with Kubernetes. So, with Kubernetes distro they mean just some flavors of Kubernetes packages. I just installed the Kubernetes packages provided from the official Ubuntu repository. What kind of Kubernetes distro is it?
If even RKE2, which is the Rancher official distro as far I can understand, is shipped with Kubernetes v1.26.1, are we all “forced” to downgrade anyway in order to install Rancher?
RKE2 is a kubernetes distro. The version of RKE2 you install, is the version of Kubernetes you are using. There are 3 or 4 minor versions of Kubernetes supported at any given time, and you can chose which to use when you run the RKE2 installer.
Kubernetes doesn’t run Linux, it runs on linux. having a linux distro that is “shipped with Kubernetes” doesn’t make any sense.
😓 1
I just installed the Kubernetes packages provided from the official Ubuntu repository. What kind of Kubernetes distro is it?
Probably microk8s
I don’t think it is. However, I followed this guide:;t=2300s

I can’t easily tell from that what he’s installing. maybe it’s the vanilla Kubernetes packages from the Kubernetes project itself.
Yeah, that’s more likely.
From Kubernetes repository:

So, should I downgrade the package in order to install Rancher?
That’s exactly what I did. So I suppose it’s the vanilla Kubernetes version
I thought Kubernetes distros you were referring to was something like Talos:
I think you can install old versions from there.
apt-get install kubeadm=1.24.10-00
or whatnot
I dunno, I mostly just use k3s and rke2 since that’s what I work on
Yeah, but since I’m using cloud-init with Ubuntu cloud image is not that easy. I’d need to change the cloud-init configuration to downgrade and pin that Kubernetes version but I’m using Proxmox as hypervisor and thus the cloud-init configuration is not easily editable.
That’s why I was asking if there’s a Ubuntu or other distro’s Kubernetes repository which follow the Rancher releases