I’m trying to delete Longhorn from my under-powere...
# general
I’m trying to delete Longhorn from my under-powered VPSes and it’s not going well. The namespace says that
Some resources are remaining: <http://engineimages.longhorn.io|engineimages.longhorn.io> has 1 resource instances, <http://engines.longhorn.io|engines.longhorn.io> has 2 resource instances, <http://nodes.longhorn.io|nodes.longhorn.io> has 3 resource instances, <http://orphans.longhorn.io|orphans.longhorn.io> has 1 resource instances, <http://replicas.longhorn.io|replicas.longhorn.io> has 7 resource instances, <http://snapshots.longhorn.io|snapshots.longhorn.io> has 2 resource instances, <http://volumes.longhorn.io|volumes.longhorn.io> has 2 resource instances
, and the server log is filled with
Copy code
Jan 30 19:07:23 k3s-sd-01 k3s[3111022]: W0130 19:07:23.612262 3111022 reflector.go:324] storage/cacher.go:/longhorn.io/volumes: failed to list <http://longhorn.io/v1beta1|longhorn.io/v1beta1>, Kind=Volume: conversion webhook for l>
Jan 30 19:07:23 k3s-sd-01 k3s[3111022]: E0130 19:07:23.612281 3111022 cacher.go:424] cacher (*unstructured.Unstructured): unexpected ListAndWatch error: failed to list <http://longhorn.io/v1beta1|longhorn.io/v1beta1>, Kind=Volume:>