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# rancher-desktop
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The cluster events are flagging timeout. It's clear that network status is offline and it's not able to download stuff. However, need some help on how to fix/troubleshoot this.
Copy code
failed pulling image "<|>": Error response
  from daemon: Get "<>": dial tcp: lookup <|>
  on <some-ip>:53: read udp <some-ip>:36879-><some-ip>:53: i/o timeout
Can you try using kubernetes 1.21? Also, do you have a VPN, proxy, or firewall?
yes, we are behind a corporate proxy; will try using k8s 1.21 and get back
Adding proxy to *.start file under AppData\Roaming\rancher-desktop\provisioning helped me to proceed further downloading images. However, Rancher Desktop is still reporting Network status as offline
Is your internet access only available through proxy? Also, just out curiosity since you mentioned that you are on windows have you tried setting up the the proxy setting on Edge correctly? I believe chrome picks up the proxy settings from there too. The fact that RD network status still shows offline might simply be the inadequate built in network check in chrome, looking at here: we may need to do something more robust.
You broke the link 😉
👍 1
Should be ok now 😛
Yes, I’m looking at it as we speak
❤️ 1