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# longhorn-storage
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My ideal setup would place active replica on same node as pod,
The Longhorn data locality feature can achieve this
and replicas in other nodes in same az. To avoid inter-region replication traffic. Is this possible ?
Unfortunately, no Longhorn actually try to separate replicas onto different AZ to increase the availability cc @famous-shampoo-18483 @billowy-painting-56466
Thks @famous-journalist-11332 I saw a reference to region, and
<|><Region name
Id like to have some clarification. How does the region play with this availability placement ?
Region a bigger object than AZ. Region contains AZ. AZ contains nodes. Longhorn attempts to spread the replicas of volume between different regions, then different AZs, then different nodes
IIUC, cross-AZ replication should be fine. But no one would distribute replicas in different regions, since the network latency among different region (> 1ms) would greatly hurt the volume performance and make it impractical.
👍 1
Agreed cross region replicas should be in control of end user, if needed. I understand longhorn 1.4.0 will try to schedule on different regions by default. Is there a way to avoid this ? disk-level tags maybe ?
YES. You group nodes by tags then use the corresponding selector for replica scheduling. This is an pretty old but powerful feature. IIRC there is no special feature for the region-level scheduling in v1.4.0...