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# developer
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(I don't work here anymore and don't know where it might be documented publicly, probably nowhere) `management`: This is the 'original' type for all the clusters that are registered with rancher. Includes provisioning for everything except RKE2. `provisioning`: Newer, for a separate newer provisioning system. The
types are synced both ways so that every cluster should have an entry in both, with the meat of the cluster spec in one and a stub in the other. This is specifically for only RKE2 in 2.6, other providers were supposed to be migrated over eventually but dunno if/when that's ever happening. `fleet`: Keeps track of the clusters tied to fleet ("Continuous Delivery"). Fleet is (at least in theory) a standalone project so it has its own list, but will generally contain the same clusters as above with fleet-specific status. ``: The regular community k8s Cluster API. There's an RKE2 provider hooked up and
and its controllers ends up creating these (and a bunch of related types), which ultimately creates the actual cluster resources in $your_infra_provider. ``: Don't remember, and doesn't seem to exist in 2.6. Also weird, we usually avoided calling anything 'rancher' in the code/types… haven't upgraded my house to 2.7 yet.
Hello @full-painter-23916! Thank you for your answer! Indeed I have observed that the number of
is identical with the number of
. I have also observed that in the majority of the cases the name of the two resources is identical. On the other hand I have also observed that there are some
resources that don't have a pair of the other two types. In what case could these appear?
Fleet is its own standalone project so you can register clusters with it that regular rancher control plane doesn't know about
Oh! I thought that they are more tightly integrated in these newer versions.
Thank you for the answers 🙇
One more thing related to the clusters: I can see that for each cluster there is a namespace created where Rancher keeps a set of resources for that cluster. Is it safe to delete that namespace once all of the
have been removed? I'm in a situation when I can see a set of such namespaces being present, and also
named ones (I have observed that these are created for the projects), but there are no
resources and the rancher controller keeps logging messages like:
Copy code
2023/02/01 05:52:05 [ERROR] error syncing 'c-ccr94/creator-cluster-owner': handler mgmt-auth-crtb-controller: <|> "c-ccr94" not found, requeuing
2023/02/01 05:52:08 [ERROR] error syncing 'c-djqr8/m-511b509b0c73': handler rke-worker-upgrader: <|> "c-djqr8" not found, requeuing