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# rke2
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Support for minors follows the upstream release cycle. When upstream stops putting out releases on a minor, so do we.
also, I am assuming you’re asking about RKE2 and not RKE since that’s what channel you’re in.
Yes, RKE2
So RKE2 team does not maanage EOS/EOL separately ? Or is there some programmatic way to query this information ?
Nope. We put out a RKE2 release for every upstream Kubernetes release. Occasionally we will put out a r2 release to fix a critical issue between upstream patch releases, but that is infrequent. When upstream stops putting out releases for a minor, we stop putting them out as well.
there is no RKE2 release schedule or support lifecycle distinct from that maintained by upstream.
thanks @creamy-pencil-82913 for quick help!