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# elemental
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Hi, could surly be some inf issues. I first get 502 next request gets a 302 redirect to the ftp site which then again gets the 404
you can hardcode the script, not optimal, but that can help you get past the issue
OK. thanks. That at least gets me moving forward πŸ™‚
btw, the EO version 1.1.1 and the current elemental may have some issues?
Detected old elemental-register client: cloud-config data may not be applied correctly
and it seems tha cloud-config is not 100% applied. At least user/password combo does not seem to work. was ok on 1.1.0
indeed, this is an issue we do have currently. EO 1.1.1 is prepared for our coming version of Elemental
πŸ‘ 1
the operator itself is released, but other bits are still work in progress
OK. Thx for the info. I'll rb to 1.1.0 and wait for the upcoming release.
....or use Staging :-)
exactly πŸ˜‰
depends what you're working on. But if it's to learn, get familiar with tech and stack, Staging is fine
Changes/QA are still ongoing
Yepp. Play for now, but the elemental stack seems promising. would simplify our current stack customizing flatcar.
just one note: 1.1.1 and 1.1.0 have the same issue with stable iso. You should go with staging iso, as indicated in the release notes of 1.1.1. I just realized it would make sense to add the warning to the release notes of 1.1.0 too ... πŸ˜… We will fix that, the sooner the better at this point.
πŸ‘ 1