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# k3s
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mdsns does not work in golang
you must use an actual DNS record served by a DNS server, or put it in the hosts file
Ah, that's too bad. Was not planning on running a DNS server, and maintaining hosts file when using DHCP isn't really a great option either. Guess I'll have to take a step back and have a think. Thanks for the reply.
on home networks there is frequently one built in to your DHCP server, if you’re using dnsmasq or something
when you start exposing services across multiple nodes is usually a good time to start nailing down dns and IP reservations
Yeah, there used to be one in my linksys router, but I recently switched to a mesh thingy which doesn't. This is only for a homelab.
Looking at the docs, it says it will use the C library routines if
is available under certain conditions. What does "`cgo` is available" mean in this context?
if the binary is built with cgo enabled.
I'm guessing k3s isn't? 🙂
it is, because we build in sqlite (which is c) but because we do a static build (so as to be portable across distros) we use the pure go resolver
Ok, thanks. I'll have to consider my options another day, todays homelab sessions can't fit a full makeover of name resolution in the network 😄