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# harvester
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hi @lively-zebra-61132 try rebooting the stuck node. i've read several issues resolved by rebooting the stuck node, and it worked for me on a different issue as well. when i rebooted it though, there didnt seem to be much indication that the node was progressing until it finished
That did not help unfortunately. I think I finally broke it completely and will have to do a fresh install
bummer 😞 sorry, i'm only meh so far, still figuring out a lot and learning things myself.
Hi @lively-zebra-61132 have you already started doing a fresh install? If not I'd like to help, I work on the Harvester team and am currently acting as community coordinator
This issue looks related, does the discussion there look relevant to your problem?
Hi @limited-breakfast-50094 thank you for reaching out. Yes we have already done a fresh install. In the end I should not have deleted the
job and tried to fix the issue with the VM instead. In order to prevent this issue in the future harvester could alert users if longhorn is unable to schedule sufficiently large volumes before an upgrade or a warning about having enough space in longhorn disks could be included in the documentation.
Sounds good, can you file a feature request in ?