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# rancher-desktop
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whats the issue you are having?
Rancher Desktop cannot access internet when VPN is connected. Is there a tutorial anywhere to show how to use Rancher with a vpn..?
every VPN is a bit different so its not as straight forward. assuming windows? I know i have had some success with wsl-vpnkit project, but it may cause some heartache for the k8s config
The issue above seem to talk about networking from the containers, the issue I have is that Rancher will not start kubernetes when I'm on my vpn
well those are all the issues around vpn as a topic. those could be egressing the VM to the intranet or anything else that seems related to the proxy.
what is showing up in the logs under the Troubleshooting section? is there a particular flow that seems to be erroring? are you using a proxy as part of your vpn config?