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# k3s
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That project has been abandoned. Jacob has not been with the company for about a year and noone else is working on it.
He had stopped working on it for a while even before he left though, I think nothing’s been touched since like mid 2020?
thankyou, so if I'm trying to join 2 workstations in a cluster. 1 being master and the other being worker, I should just use K3s. K3d has been abandoned? I need to use K3s. thanks.
k3c has been abandoned. k3s and k3d are both very active
🎯 1
Referring back to docker. The problem I have is I have a docker private repository hosted on AWS and I have my K3s cluster setup locally. So far I setup a secret component that has the access token(credentials) to my private docker repository(allowing docker to actually pull the image). SO I would need to wipe my cluster and add the --docker flag to make docker the runtime instead of containerd? Or I can just do ctr pull.... but I still need to use docker login to get into the repository.... thanks -will