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# general
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It's managed within the cluster explorer
@agreeable-oil-87482 Thank you David, but could you please provide more details? Currently we use next set up, where it should be added in Rancher 2.7.0
Go into cluster explorer, under apps add the helm repo, then it'll appear under charts
@agreeable-oil-87482 thank you so just add repo here in Repositories?
@agreeable-oil-87482 what does mean URL generated by Helm to index file, I am tried to add url to index file in artifactory and it doesn't work. Thank you in advance!
Does your artifactory repo include an index.yaml file?
@agreeable-oil-87482 yes, it include index.yaml,
in my understanding when I add repo it should change state to Active
but it's in progress
Are you behind a proxy or need to auth to that?
Check the Rancher logs too
@agreeable-oil-87482 what is the requirements for repo to change status from In progress to Active? is it index.yaml file required or something else? Auth not required for our repository
@agreeable-oil-87482 sorry, do you know what a triget for repo change status from in Progress to Active. I've added helm repo which we use with our old Rancher 2.4.8 to our new 2.7.0, but it didn't change status to active
It should just pull chart data from that repo. The Rancher logs may allude to what's going on.
@agreeable-oil-87482 sorry for distrbing you again, but not sure how troubleshot it, when I add our private repo to "local" Rancher cluster it works, but when I adding to imported rke2 cluster same branch it stack endless "In progress". Rancher logs doesn't show any related logs. Cluster in air-gapped env