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# vsphere
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Hello there! To help debug, I would go into the VM and see if there is anything wrong with it I had the same issue cause the nodes weren't getting an IP address Also, if you are using cloud-init, check if everything you configured in it was applied
we can login to the vm's with ip ( we have dhcp ) and cloud-init is working as well ( we can see sample userdata executed when VM is booted )
hello, I'm having the same problem
I've checked and there is a problem with the rancher-vsphere-cpi-cloud-controller-manager
it's not configured and doesn't start
thus the nodes remain tainted and k8s is stuck
if I manually delete the vsphere CPI and CSI deployments then the cluster is bootstrapped
sadly the rancher-vsphere-cpi-cloud-controller-manager pod goes in crashloop because it is not configured correctly
I am looking to replace my RKEv1 cluster with an RKEv2 cluster. Did you manage to fix this?