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# harvester
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From my own personal experience with Dell R740XDs with RAID management, I would recommend installing to an SSD instead of USB. The underlying Rancher etcd shared database will thank you for it from a performance perspective. You can add the other SSDs as VM disks individually.
👍 1
Good point, it recommends installing the better performance device for the etcd. That would be more stable and prevent some timeout issues.
Also, about the raid question. If you use a hardware raid card, the harvester could use the raid volume as a storage (replica) target exported from the raid card. Raid is not always a correct answer. You may check your scenario and then choose the raid or single disk.
Ok thank you all. I wasnt sure how Harvester preffered to address the underlying storage. Leaning on past experiences with similar solutions, the preference was to not setup a hardware raid, install hypervisor software to a flash disk (as hypervisor lives in memory upon boot) and let the hyervisor have direct access to all individual disks. Couldnt find any clarity on how Harvester preferred to handle server disks
So if i forgo setting up a HW RAID and leave all 8 phsical SSDs exposed to Harvester, im hearing I should install harvester directly to one of these 8 disks?
For multiple disk management, you can refer to this