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# rancher-desktop
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any macOS updates come through? like ventura or something?
Yes man. For my sadness. I am using Ventura 13.1
i know ventura played havoc w lima in the beta, but thought that was all worked through. maybe not
@brash-train-33431 are you able to provide some steps to repro and investigate this on my end?
@calm-sugar-3169 what steps do you want me to follow? I'm doing everything like I always did 1. open rancher v1.6.2 2. the prompt appears for me to enter the root password 3. the error window appears a. Error Starting Kubernetes i.
Error: /Applications/Rancher <|> exited with code 1
b. Last command run: i.
/Applications/Rancher <|> --debug copy /var/folders/wg/_qs0rm5s5s77z82x91vskvq00000gq/T/rd-buildkitd-vHkAaG/buildkitd 0:/tmp/rd-buildkitd-vHkAaG.buildkitd
c. Context i.
Installing Buildkit
d. Some recent logfile lines:
Copy code
code: 1,
  command: [
    '/Applications/Rancher <|>',
follow the app log file
@calm-sugar-3169 Do you know any way around this until we can solve it?
I solved my problem by reinstalling rancher desktop
👍 1