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# general
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are you not using the containerd that comes with rke2?
if you’re using the packaged containerd, rke2 manages the cgroup driver settings for both containerd and the kubelet
if you’re using your own --container-runtime-endpoint then it’s up to you to configure the runtime and kubelet args correctly.
if you’re using the packaged containerd then I’m confused why you’re linking to an issue about cri-o though
In short, I'm not entirely sure what the cluster config is after the sysbox is installed. It makes a bunch of changes. The RKE2 cluster is a clean install that is using containerd. Once the sysbox install is run I do believe that CRI-O is used. I am super new to sysbox (like yesterday) so I may need to read more on it. Let me dig a bit deeper into the specifics of the container runtime after sysbox install so I don't waste anyone's time. Thank you!
what is it even doing? Just from glancing at that issue it looks like it’s reconfiguring rke2 to use cri-o instead of containerd?
Ya, so the gist of sysbox is that it uses a custom container runtime (I think - which is why I want to dig deeper) that enables the execution of systemd so that you can run things like Docker inside of containers. It's pretty cool but also super weird and new to me so I feel pretty green around the edges. It definitely makes some fundamental changes to rke2. The added issue here is that I'm also pretty new to rke2 so that doesn't help either.
But I'm always happy to dig deeper on this stuff so I'm sure I'll get it figured out and learn a ton about rke2 and sysbox in the process
you can run docker in containers on vanilla rke2 with dind, you shouldn’t need to go deploy a bunch of extra stuff to make that work…
Oh sweet! I ended up on sysbox because it's the default docker-in-docker solution for Coder-OSS which is the use case for this specific cluster. I'll take a look at plugging dind into Coder!