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# harvester
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I don't see a reason why. I have not installed with virtual media with 1.10 as fa as I remember. I did with 1.0 though I'm thinking rather about a compatibility issue with the hardware used
How can I check or can know about hardware compatibility ? sound like a good place to start considering installing from iso is working elsewhere.
Does SLE Micro 5.2 ISO gets installed fine (with Virtual Media) ?
Select "5.2" and download
thanks, I'm testing it, will see.
likely issue is mounting the ISO over the network
The virtual media thing caused me a tremendous degree of grief. Eventually, I ended up setting up iPXE and it went "smoothly" as in, cluster up and running in half an hour.
👍 2
I really recommend avoiding the work arounds since they're more confusing than just setting up a PXE config
But the documentation for PXE is a mess. I'm working on a blog about doing it now, but I need to solve some other issues before I decide whether it's worth the effort.
Thanks, good to know that there is a better success rate with PXE for the installation, I was about to try that path, now I will !
turns out installing from PXEboot worked on those servers. Thanks for your help!
I have used virtual media to install harvester v1.1.0 ISO through IPMI in supermicro machine successfully. It took close to 30 to 40 mins in 1 node.
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