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# k3s
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If you have only two servers and one goes down, you can't add a 3rd because the entire cluster will be down as you have no quorum. You should never have an odd number of servers for any significant period of time.
You can join agents to any of the servers. Once they join they will discover the others and can come up as long as a quorum of them are available.
Thanks @creamy-pencil-82913! In a multi master setup, how would traefik and ingresses work? Does that mean I have to scale up traefik to be deployed in all master nodes?
that depends entirely on how you want to access it. by default it uses ServiceLB for a LoadBalancer service that is accessible through all the nodes, but there’s only a single replica.
You’re welcome to change that though
not really related to how you join nodes to the cluster
Sounds good thanks heaps mate 🍻